About HinduMantras

Posted by CγвεгRat™ | 1 comments»
What is Hindu Blog?

Hindu Blog is an online magazine that updates regularly about matters related to Hinduism (like festivals, fasting, rituals), the latest developments in Hindu society and religion and explores Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism).

What is the aim of the Blog?

An attempt to learn the true teachings of Sanatana Dharma and share it. Hinduism believes in self realization and not borrowed self realization. Each individual should realize That (Brahman). Not by becoming blind follower of another but through self realization. This should happen without any external compulsion or constraint.

Hindu Blog advocates practical Hinduism and reformation in Hindu society, especially the eradication of the caste system and other social evils. Also believes that Hindu society should give more emphasis on equality, education and philanthropic activities.

Who is the author of the blog?

The blog is written by SHiNE, working in Kuwait and a professional blogger.

Why there are advertisements on Hindu Mantras?

The answer is money is like water. It is essential for survival but it can also drown… The advertisements are for the survival of the blog and blogger – several sites dedicated to Hinduism had to be stopped as they had no money to maintain it. Another method is to collect donation or get affiliated to some organization but both the methods will negatively affect the independent character of the blog.

How to contact the author?

You can contact the author via this link


ṣāṇmāturaḥ (षाण्मातुरः) Says:

Wonderful Efforts in bringing Up Hinduism's Such Great Aspects!!..keep it Up.

Well, if you can add details on more temples it would be great to know from you. Like Arunachalam etc...

You may visit my Blogs on Hinduism here if you want:-

Kindly do leave your comments whatever you feel about the posts. Thanks!


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